Homework Expectations
KS2 Reading Diaries
Every pupil in Years 3-6 is allocated a Reading diary. We expect all pupils to read every day after school; filling in the appropriate section of their reading diary once they have completed their independent reading. Pupils are then expected to ask an adult to check and sign their reading comment.Every morning, teachers check reading diaries to ensure that pupils have completed their reading. If a pupil does not complete their reading- (and does not provide a valid reason), then they will be expected to read during either their break or lunchtime.
Homework Books & Folders
Maths and English homework books are provided to every pupil in Years 1-6 and we expect all of our pupils to present their work with the same high standards of presentation that we expect in all of the books they work in throughout the school day.Homework folders are also provided for loose worksheets and we expect all sheets to be returned in the plastic wallets that are provided with each folder.
Please note: There may be variations as to the type of homework that is given by individual class teachers as they may decide that pupils need to be set specific tasks which will further support their academic progress in a specific subject area. Nonetheless, the days that homework is given will remain the same- (unless there is an unforeseen circumstance, i.e. staff absence)
All pupils are also provided with a list of ‘common exception words’- (these should be kept at the back of their homework folders at all times) and we advise all pupils to do additional spelling and sentence level work using these words.
Atom Learning
Every pupil in Key Stage 2 is provided with log in details for the above ‘app’. If your child is set a homework task on ‘Atom’ there will be a due date that has been set by the class teacher. Pupils can also use this ‘app’ to practice the following:- Non-Verbal Reasoning
- Verbal Reasoning
- English - Spelling, Vocabulary & Grammar
- Maths
- Science - Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Working Scientifically