
Our English lessons are based on best practice outlined in both the Foundation Stage guidance and the National Curriculum. English is taught for five hours each week across the whole school. During these sessions there are a wealth of opportunities for our pupils to develop their writing, reading, grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting skills.


Reading is taught using the DFE approved Twinkl Phonics scheme in the Foundation classes, Years 1 and 2. It is also used for interventions. Reading comprehension is taught as part of English through group reading sessions. The children read in a variety of ways including; group reading, class reading or individual reading. Any child who falls behind their chronological age receives extra reading sessions with the support teacher or other adult helpers, either in a group situation or individually. Pupils with a high reading age are suitably stretched to extend and develop their reading even further. Varied and regular reading is the basi for developing interesting and vibrant writing skills.


All of our pupils are encouraged to develop their writing skills as far and as widely as possible. All pupils are given a large variety of genres of writing with which to explore. A love of writing is closely linked with a love of reading and the School has a well-stocked library, classroom book corners as well as supplementary readers from our local library. Our pupils learn to write for a variety of audiences and to adapt their work accordingly.


Though we use a specific scheme to aid our pupils spelling abilities, we extend them by using a variety of sources. All our pupils are given words to challenge and widen their vocabulary and their progress is carefully tracked throughout their time at the School. We aim to extend each pupil's accurate use of vocabulary as far as possible.

Spoken Language

We place a great deal of emphasis on ensuring that all our pupils are given a wealth of experiences with which to live out and perform their work. In the Foundation Stage a rich Speech and Language programme ensures that all pupils are given the necessary skills with which to communicate and articulate their ideas. We incorporate lots of opportunities for pupils to perform; whether it be in class or on the stage for plays and class performances.

We also recognise that the knowledge and skills found in our English lessons cross over into many other curriculum subjects. We make the most of these opportunities in order that our pupils can achieve their very best.