Our curriculum is predominately organised on a single subject basis within which there may be some topic based work links, and cross-curricular links are sought and encouraged where appropriate.
- The predominant mode of working is whole class teaching although individual and group work is used where appropriate.
- Groups may be of mixed or matched ability. Matched ability sets are used in mathematics in KS2.
- There is specialist teaching throughout KS1 and KS2 in Spanish, Music, PE and in Swimming for Yrs. 3, 4, 5 & 6.
Core Subjects
- Literacy and Mathematics is taught daily in sessions of 50 minutes to one hour
- 10% of teaching time is devoted to R.E.
- Science is taught for at least 2 hours weekly.
- ICT is taught for at least 45 minutes weekly (to support other curricular areas wherever possible).
Foundation Subjects
- History and Geography is taught weekly for at least 18 weeks annually.
- P.E. is taught in two sessions weekly (1 hour 40 minutes weekly).
- Music is taught weekly, as a class lesson (30 minutes) and as a Key Stage lesson (25 minutes).
- Spanish is taught weekly to all classes.
- Art and Design Technology will be taught to all classes on a Half termly basis.