
Watch the video below to hear one of our pupils speak about Science at our school...

Scientists studied at the Ursuline Preparatory School


Alexander Graham Bell

David Attenborough
(Our World)

Year 1

Holly Green

Dr Steve Lyons

Sir David Attenborough
(Our World)

Year 2

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
(Human Body/Germs and Health)

Tu Youyou
(Human Body/Germs and Health)

Louis Paseur
(Human Body/Germs and Health)

Year 3

Jan Ingenhousz

William Gilbert
(Forces and Magnets)

Mary Annings

Year 4

Alexander Graham Bell

Garrett Morgan

Thomas Edison

Year 5

Maggie Aderin-Pocock
(Earth, Moon and Sun)

Stephanie Kwoleck
(Earth, Moon and Sun)

Margaret Hamilton
(Earth, Moon and Sun)

Year 6

Isaac Newton

Katherine Burr Blodgett

Carl Linnaeus
(Living Things)

Lewis Latimer

Alessandro Volta

Charles Darwin