Watch the video below to hear one of our pupils speak about Science at our school...
Scientists studied at the Ursuline Preparatory School
Alexander Graham Bell (Sound) | David Attenborough (Our World) |
Year 1
Holly Green (Seasons) | Dr Steve Lyons (Seasons) | Sir David Attenborough (Our World) |
Year 2
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (Human Body/Germs and Health) | Tu Youyou (Human Body/Germs and Health) | Louis Paseur (Human Body/Germs and Health) |
Year 3
Jan Ingenhousz (Plants) | William Gilbert (Forces and Magnets) | Mary Annings (Rocks) |
Year 4
Alexander Graham Bell (Sound) | Garrett Morgan (Circuits) | Thomas Edison (Electricity) |
Year 5
Maggie Aderin-Pocock (Earth, Moon and Sun) | Stephanie Kwoleck (Earth, Moon and Sun) | Margaret Hamilton (Earth, Moon and Sun) |
Year 6
Isaac Newton (Light) | Katherine Burr Blodgett (Light) | Carl Linnaeus (Living Things) |
Lewis Latimer (Electricity) | Alessandro Volta (Electricity) | Charles Darwin (Evolution) |