
Modern Languages is an essential part of our children's learning, to provide them with a valuable educational, social and cultural experience, and to lay the foundation for future language learning.

We aim to introduce children to another language in a way that is enjoyable and fun, and to stimulate and encourage children's curiosity about language. We teach Spanish from Reception to Year 6.

Our learning is hands-on by engaging pupils in conversation, asking and answering questions, expressing opinions, playing games and appreciating stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language. We provide a blend of spoken, listening, reading and written skills in the foreign language.

In addition, the MFL schemes of work are devised to allow for cross-curricular skills in communication and literacy, maths, science, geography, art, music and drama. We always encourage the children to be reflective and independent learners.

We help children understand the concept that language has structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another. We also explore the countries and their culture, again comparing and contrasting with our own experiences.

We respect and value that many of our students speak one or more than one language at home, and have family members abroad, with whom they speak another language. This cultural richness is explored and celebrated both within the Modern Language Department and across the whole school community.